Sunday, October 4, 2009

Danuta Aldina

sekarang gue bakal men-describe seseorang, namanya DANUTA ALDINA, dia itu adek kelas gue, biasa dipanggil UTAUTAUTAUTA, dia tuh bagaikan sweet chocolate, item tapi manis, iya gak ta? HAHAHA :D orangnya sumpah asik abis,terus kayak gak jaim gitu loh, tapitetep sopan sama kakak kelas, dia itu MPK KELAS LOH, huuhh gaul abiss, terus ya terus, dia tuh pas tanggal 999 tuh ditembak gitu sama ARIF, nah dia juga MPK KELAS, dia cerewet abis sumpah gak boong -,- tapi asik kok, uta cantik kok, cuman aja sayang agak gak putih HEHEHE :p terus sumpah ya dia tajir abiss lohh, handphone nya aja IPHONE 3G, hahhaha, terus dia membuat sekomp jadi lebih nyaman dengan membelikan KARPET (thanks uta) pokoknya dia tuh disenengin kakak kelas gitu deh soalnya orang nya kocak gitu, terus ya dia adekadekan gue loh HAHAHAHA :) tapi lupa gitu kapan jadiannya, terus sekarang dia di kelas 7B sama kayak gue dulu hahahaha, nah ini dia si UTAUTAUTA itu fotonya di bawah

oiya sekarang uta pakek poni gitu gila gue baru nyadar juga, CIE UTA AHAHAHA
kalo mau add facebooknya add aja : Danuta Aldina

that's all, THANKS


i'm sorry i haven't been writin posts lately, i don't know what to write, but keep open my blog, i promise, i will start writing from now on okay, okay

Friday, September 18, 2009


(nyanyiin pakek lagunya TASYA)

jadi yang saya lakukan pada saat libur ini adalaahh..


BORED ( in English)
GELANGWEITT ( in German)
ENNUYE (in French)
ABURRIDO (in Spanish)
ANNOIATO (in Italian)
VERVEELD (in Dutch)
ENTEDIADO (in Portuguese)

I'm so DAMN bored i don't know what else to do, please tell some advice!!!

(thanks to application for dashboard mac, i can translate all those language :D )

Thursday, September 10, 2009

all time best movie

this movie is like soo funny, the concept is very good, i mean it got comedy, love story, family, and friends, and you know i never get bored watch this movie, but i rarely saw the dvd
this movie teach everything, i mean how they fight to each other it's like so funny, the happy ending, the dress up, their wedding planned, i love how it's organize
OMG!!!! this is the best movie ever, every night for almost 2 months, i watched this everytime i want to sleep, i remember all the dialogue, i always start this movie from scene 6, it's soo funny, i love when they gather eating tofu
it's so real, i mean their twins, and how they trick their parents, and guardian, and make them as a couple, how they hide , the difference between their life
okay i cried when i watched this movie, because his only best friend in the whole universe, is DIED, he got stink by bees while he searching for a ring, he wants to purpose his bestfriend, i mean how sweet is that, and how the life goes on
okay cruel, lady, rich arrogant, heads up wherever she goes, this movie is all about fashion, how fashion turns people too bad person, how fashion can trick people, with that expensive stuff they offer, and how we choose our path, it's all up to us
this story is about 12 princesses who loves to dance, they give anything so that they can dance all noght long, as usual the bad person, two face, came, pretend to be their teacher, for their bad manner, but actually she wanted the kings thrown.....

i know it's all old movie, but i love it soo much, soo you can try watch it at home, maybe you'll enjoy it like i do

bored time :)

yeaaah, soo i get a little bit bored during the lesson, so i drew all of this scetch, the first one is t-shirt, with old granny glasses and bignose with mustache picture, and tight legging, boho bracelett, and a scarft

and, tutu with short sweataer , with alot of bags and ballet shoes, ankle boots, and zara summer ankle boots, longchamp, zara sheep feather round bag, and last year jimmy choo or balenciaga, i forgot, and there's eye vintage bag
wish me luck!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


jadeeyyyyy, hari Selasa 8 Sept itu, pertama gue telat -_-, eh tapi asik loh, ga belajar sejarah dan bhs.inggris, kan bhs.inggris jam pelajaran pertama, abis itu sejarah, nah pas pelajaran sejarah ms.lilis pas jam piket lantai 2, yaudaah deh akhirnya dia nemenin gue duduk trus ngobrol

MS.L : ih itutuh cool tuh jalannya
K : mana miss?
Ih enggak miss biasa aja
Ms. L : trus yang cool gimana dong gayanya?
K : gini nih miss.....
(sambil kayak jalan gaya cowokcowok cool)
Ms.L : wahh berarti pak budi gak cool dong yaaa, HAHAHAHAHAHA
(trus pak budi lewat -_-)

yaaahh pokoknya kayak gosipin banyakbanyak orang gitu, trus Ms.lilis gilee kalo ketawaa, kayak apaan gede beneeeerrr....
Nah udah gitu kan istirhat, trus biologi ulangan, naaahh trus matematika PAK CEP, dan gueeeeeeee......... REMED CUY!!! -,- sedih abis tau gak
Nah udah kan tuh terus pulang kan rencana mau ke labsraw, tapi pada gabisa anak labsrawnya dan semua ini salah PAUL, karena tidak mengkonfirmasi kalo kita mau datang ke sana untuk ngomongin REGALABS, salah pak YUPREY juga sih, jadi gini istrinya pak yupri kan guru agm.kristn di labsraw, masa pak yupri gabisa bilang ke istrinya kalo labsky mau ada rapat, secara tidur aja seranjang,dodol sumpah dehh!!! lanjuuuuttt ceritanyaaaaaa......... nah udah gitu nungguin SMA pulang, baru si paul dan yoga dateng, dan kita bilang kalo gajadi, dan gue sama iko kayak disuruh nyari jako gitudehh, nah yaudahh akhirnya cari, dari lt. 2 ke lantai 1, ke sekomp, ke plaza, naik ke lanta 4, gaada orang trus pas mau ke ruang musik, ngelewatin kapel, pak yuprinya udah pergi, NAJIS abis gasihhh, naah udah gitu ke ruang musik ternyata jako sedang mau audissiiii, yasudah, akhirnya saya menonton audisi nya, nah trusss udah gituuu.....
gue sama iko pergi ke pim loohhh, huahuhauhua, padahal harusnya ke labsraw, tapi yasudahh, kan sekaliaan nunggu BUKPUS, nah udaah gitu kita nonton lohh huuuuwww, HAHAHA, THE PROPOSAL!!! asiiikknya, terus udah gitu balik ke sekolah, BUKPUS, terus hape putri Ilaang, yasudah deh tak bantuin carai, EH KETEMU! terus galama pulang dehh, sebenernya cerita nya sangat panjang tapi malas nulis nyaa huihui THANKS

Friday, September 4, 2009

Just the three of us :)

I don't know why, i really miss them, it's like there's a big difference when we're not in one class, when we chat, it's like WHOLE DIFFERENT THINGS (lebay abis HAHAH:) ) no but really, i can be my self when i near them, i can be crazy, i can cry, and the most important thing is, that there's nothing to hide when i'm in front of them. They were like so preaty (i'm soo ngiri) and totally smart, especially DINDA (maaf ya hau, tapi kenyataan HEHE) and theennn... haura is like the craziest and the most freakish person i have ever met, and now i'm like her, crazy, but not too freak!!
Sometime's dinda gets really stupid, i think because she's too smart, he gets so dumb in socialization, sometimes she gets DC hahahaha :)
But i love them soo much, MISS YOU GUYS!!!!
This is our picture that we take at refleksi 7b
Love you both :)